Friday, April 25, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Friend

Your friendship elevates me, encourages me, speaks to me uniquely to be heard and not wasted. You remind me of backbone. I am stood up for, understood, and even put up with at times. I can't stand the idea of someone hurting you. I will stand up for you too.

You anger me. Your words speak to the weak parts of me, that haven't been conformed, haven't been touched. But, you say it, regardless. You anger me, the weak parts of you, the parts of your heart you won't let Him touch and the parts you try to hide too.

You change me.

But you do none of these things. You can't change me, make me something that I'm not, and you can't make me good. But, there is something deeper; a spirit. That part of you, it's changing, and I'm watching. And learning. And you watch me too.

Friend, we are becoming who we are meant to be, with each other's help and reminding.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Glue

Wow, it's Friday again. Right before Easter. I have been pondering on the heavy weight of what it must have been like for Christ to be in the Garden of Gethsemane, knowing soon He would be betrayed by one of His disciples and be flogged, and then crucified...

My heart is filled with gladness and sadness all at once. Sadness because my dear Savior compassionately saw me- my meanness and pride before time began- yet passionately put Himself down, was humiliated, and died for me.

I'm also glad, because He is seated at the right hand of God, and the completion of his work means purpose and a way for me to know Him and live this life.

What does that have to do with glue? The first verse that popped up into my head was Colossians 3:14

"Beyond all these things, put on love which is the perfect bond of unity."

There it is, glue, bond.

And verse one:

"Therefore, if you have been raised up with Christ, keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God."

So, since I have been raised up with Christ, I love others! How else could I without the work of the cross making me and reminding me how to love correctly! It's really humbling to see how Christ has loved me, flawed and all, I want to love those around me. I find it absolutely essential that if I want others to see the love of Christ that He has for them, I must be able to show that in a way that unifies the body of christ, the Church. I edify her (the church), and encourage, exhort, continuously, and by grace shown in the work of the Cross.

A bit more than five minutes later, that is my prayer on glue today. Be blessed, and have a happy Easter weekend knowing you are loved and therefore can be love to others.

Friday, April 4, 2014

Five Minute Friday: Writer

The Great Composer, Artist, Creator, Writer...

God is many Good things. He created CREATIVITY. In all forms. He made the expanse of the heavens and the waters and earth. He made each individual with a unique personality and spirit. He made math, physics, all sciences and every way for us to understand the world around us...

He is the great writer of history, and of our stories. And that's what gets me. He knew me before I was made, and knew how I would be, the ways I would go, and who I WILL become. Sometimes I get so overwhelmed at the idea that God has unknown things in store for me. But He knows what they are and He's not failed at His plan. I am a part of His story. It's a complex story with many twists and turns, ups and downs. None are useless or by chance. They all are for good.

So, while I may not be a great writer, I can trust that He is. And since I am a part of His story, I know that everything that happens to me past, present and future will ultimately be used for something amazing.  It's this knowledge that let's me live in peace and joy, knowing that He's got the big picture figured out, and I'm not forgotten or lost in it, but am a useful part of it.


OK, that was a bit overwhelming for me, but it's been a few weeks since i have written. ciao!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Five minute Friday: Willing

Today's writing prompt is WILLING.


I must admit, it took me a good stop-and-pause for me to think about that word. Ideas came up to me, "well, what are you willing to do?". I couldn't think of anything in particular. Most of the time, I like to think of myself as very open and brave...willing. If I am honest with myself, the real thing I deal with is why I am NOT willing.

What I will myself to do, and what I'm willing to do- what stops me from crossing over is fear. I let fear get in the way of trying, or being 'willing' to try. Being open to failure. There are so many great things to be experienced in failure, why wouldn't anyone want to be more willing to do something crazy, scary, daring, unexpected.  Of course, as long as these things don't get in the way of your conscience :)

Today, reflect on how you want your life to be daily characterized by the attitude of willing. It won't be easy, but I'm sure it will be worth it. Fight yourself and it's tendencies to be 'safe'(or rather, in control), and walk in bravery that will accomplish things through strength that comes from above.

OK done, i want to write more, but of course, I'm rushing.

Have a blessed day.